Wood Working Industry & Logging
Optimize your tools to provide better value!
Cryogenics is dramatically changing the profitability & productivity of the wood working industry. It is a proven process that provides longer running, sharper tools made of carbide or high speed steel.

The heat treatment process is first and foremost in our proven process. Many tools are manufactured with less than the best heat treatment. This is often because of economics and/or the nature of the product that is being brought to market. The cost of providing optimal heat treating for every variety of product being produced in bulk would outweigh the quality/price ratio passed on to the target market.
Here is just one example. A band saw blade must have a sharp, hardened tooth, but a soft back band in order to flex and not break. The blade is often induction or flame hardened on the tooth by very localized heating. This is followed by a waterfall of oil to quench the heat of the tooth being treated. Then, heat is applied again to temper the steel. All of this is done on a band of material that is traveling at several feet per minute. The grain structure near the bottom of the tooth is in various phases of transformation and the temper is accomplished at such a fact speed that there still exists unstable martensite and great amounts of non-productive austenite. Our cryogenic process stabilizes the newly formed Martensite.
Bandsaw Blades
Carbide tipped saw blades also gain dramatic wear increases from the improved binder material used to hold the carbide grains on the cutting edge. Cryogenic processing does two things. First, it removes the stresses that were created during manufacturing. Second, it strengthens the gripping power of the binder holding the carbide in place and will cut longer because of this.
Besides heat treating, poor control of grinding or sharpening practices ruins the cutting ability of wood working tools. Many people grind cuttings tools and turn them blue or black, followed by a pass to remove the discoloration. This is one of the fastest ways to kill tool life and our cryogenic process cannot solve this disaster.
Speeds and feeds must be interpreted correctly and used religiously. Cryogenics can help tools used in wood working, but cannot stop bad habits.
If we don’t double the life of your tooling, we will return your money!
Logging & Lumber Industry
Chain saw chains last 3 - 5 times longer between sharpening and lengthen the overall life of the chain.
Chipper blades typically quadruple in life and do not chip out as much as unprocessed blades.
Skidder chains last 2 - 3 times longer after cryogenic processing.
Circular saw blades, planer blades, and moulding cutters last 2 - 5 times longer. Carbide tipped blades hold up better because cryogenics helps strengthen the brazing bond and the base material. The carbide insert life is extended from the changes in the molecular structure within the binder material that help keep the carbides grains firmly seated on the cutting edge. Cryogenics is invaluable for any type of cutting tool or wearing part.